
This is the list of messages related to German at the University of Michigan. You generally receive these messages on Tuesday via email, and you will see them posted on Canvas (German Advising Mail at University of Michigan). If you have any questions, please see the German Department advisors Kalli and Mary Rodena-Krasan.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Peace Corps - Information Session: Thursday, September 26, 6 p.m., Remote

In partnership with the U.S. Peace Corps, the U-M International Center administers the Peace Corps Prep certificate program which aims to prepare students for the Peace Corps (or AmeriCorps, Fulbright, etc.) post-graduation. Through coursework and extracurricular experiences, the program will facilitate development of the following four core competencies: work sector-specific skills, foreign language proficiency, intercultural competency, and leadership. The Prep certificate program is open to any undergraduate student from all majors.

Find out more at our upcoming information sessions:
* Thursday, September 26, from 6-7 p.m., Virtual! Register here!

Ready to apply to be part of Peace Corps Prep?
* Click here, or search M-Compass for Peace Corps Prep
* Rolling admissions - apply anytime!

Questions about Peace Corps Prep?
* Visit the University of Michigan Peace Corps Prep Website
* Email
* Peace Corps Prep Advising Hours are listed here.

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