
This is the list of messages related to German at the University of Michigan. You generally receive these messages on Tuesday via email, and you will see them posted on Canvas (German Advising Mail at University of Michigan). If you have any questions, please see the German Department advisors Kalli and Mary Rodena-Krasan.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

International Internships with IES Abroad: Saturday, February 1 (Application Deadline)

IES Abroad provides independent, hands-on learning opportunities through a variety of internship offerings. Rather than scroll through countless listings and submit application after application, work with IES’s career services team to discuss your career goals and IES will guarantee you a placement in the field of your choice.

Career fields vary by internship site. Some popular fields include:
Arts, Business, Climate Change, Communications, Computer Science, Education, Fashion, Health (non-clinical), International Relations, IT, Journalism, Law, Marketing, Public Health, Technology, Tourism. & more!

Michigan students may apply to any of the following locations:
* Australia: Sydney
* Austria: Vienna
* Chile: Santiago
* Germany: Berlin
* Italy: Milan
* South Africa: Cape Town
* United Kingdom: London

German majors/minors interning in Vienna or Berlin will be eligible to apply for funding from the German Department.


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