
This is the list of messages related to German at the University of Michigan. You generally receive these messages on Tuesday via email, and you will see them posted on Canvas (German Advising Mail at University of Michigan). If you have any questions, please see the German Department advisors Kalli and Mary Rodena-Krasan.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

German Film Series - 'Coming Out' (1989, Director: Heiner Carow): Monday, October 7, 6:30 p.m., North Quad 2435

"Tanya and Philipp work together and are both dedicated teachers. They become close and move in together. Things get complicated for Philipp when he meets Matthias, however, as they fall passionately in love. Philipp struggles with his identity and what to do; it is hard to overcome years of repressing his sexuality. Coming Out premiered the night the Berlin Wall opened on November 9, 1989." (DEFA Film Library)


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